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Millwood Fire Safety Engineering

Millwood Fire Safety Engineering is an award-winning business focusing on fire safety across London and the South East. They've consistently grown over their 30+ year history. We stopped by to see how they have been getting on with our software and hear how Uptick is helping them take their growth to the next level.

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Industry specific software can boost your efficiency without large upfront investments.
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Hansard Fire and Security
To manage the growth that has seen them go from 5 to 17 staff and 3x revenue growth in just a couple of years, Hansard made the leap from their previous job management software to Uptick. We spent a day with the team to learn why they love using the software and how it's improving their day-to-day.
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Alliance Fire Group
Alliance Fire now provides its clients with complete visibility of their assets and buildings' compliance, which proves to be a great competitive advantage. This increased transparency and efficiency have translated into enhanced customer service, resulting in stronger client relationships and new business opportunities.
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Beacon Fire Protection
Before Uptick, Beacon had considerable operations delays, taking days to action invoices, which would create mountains of paperwork. With Uptick, they have eliminated paperwork and manual processes, and now dispatch reports to clients within an hour.
Uptick North America

2180 Sand Hill Road Suite 300. Menlo Park, CA 94025

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fire safety inspection software
fire protection software
fire maintenance software
fire inspection app
fire inspection software
fire alarm inspection software
best fire inspection software

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