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digital records.

Eliminate unnecessary paperwork with smart digital record management.
Baseline data
No app needed
Real time compliance
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Provide your clients with real-time asset compliance data

Image of cylinder
Use Case 1
Easy QR codes
Image of cylinder

Most mobile devices come with a built-in QR scanner in the camera app. This means that critical asset information is available to whoever needs it, whenever they need it.

Use Case 2
Give your clients access to baseline data

You can turn every fire & security asset into a digital asset with UPTICKID, which lets your clients see the asset compliance status and service history and check any open deficiency information.

Use Case 3
Digital logbooks capture

Ditch the paper and complete full-service records with data capture based on local standards. Make this information available to owners or facility managers directly, or even on request.

Use Case 4
Flexible data capture

Capture all relevant data with no restrictions to stick to specific fields. Collect all the data for any fire & security asset, or even whole buildings, and make it available to whoever needs it.

Built for the Fire Protection industry.

Image of face

Here is how Hansard Fire & Security did it.

Uptick's capability to provide images and comments for individual assets, which are then seamlessly integrated into related quotes and reports, has enabled the management of a team of 15 engineers with just two office staff members.

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Fire industry leaders
choose Uptick.

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Operate with confidence.

Modern asset maintenance software purpose-built for the fire protection industry 🧯
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Uptick North America

2180 Sand Hill Road Suite 300. Menlo Park, CA 94025

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Industry Terms
fire safety management software
fire safety inspection software
fire protection software
fire maintenance software
fire inspection app
fire inspection software
fire alarm inspection software
best fire inspection software

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