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Cleverly schedule your team's jobs to minimize time in the van and maximize time in the field.
Less admin and paperwork
Get more jobs done each day
Clever route optimization
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Get more done in a day with smart scheduling.

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Use Case 1
Reduce dead time in transit
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Our scheduling software visually helps the office identify the most efficient routes for your technicians based on their jobs for the day. They can then schedule tasks in the optimal order to reduce downtime and maximize their billable rates.

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Use Case 2
Assign your teams' jobs based on where they’re located
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You wouldn't want your field teams spending more time in the van than on-site. Our software lets you assign team members to certain zones, ensuring you’re scheduling the right people for the right task in the right place.

Use Case 3
Review your resource allocation

You can see your resource allocation per field staff member across the month. Make sure you don't overload certain technicians and identify gaps in individuals' schedules across the entire month.

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Use Case 4
Set and forget routine asset maintenance
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Whatever the service routine may be for a particular asset or job (annual, bi-annual, etc.), you can schedule recurring jobs in advance to ensure you never miss an inspection.

Built for the Fire Protection industry.

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ADL Fire & Security

In the past, ADL Fire and Security had used multiple systems in order to manage the different aspects of the business.

After switching to Uptick, ADL team found that using a software built for the fire industry has made them respond to clients quicker than they usually would as the turnaround time for sending out reports has more than halved.

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Fire industry leaders
choose Uptick.

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Operate with confidence.

Modern asset maintenance software purpose-built for the fire protection industry 🧯
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Uptick North America

2180 Sand Hill Road Suite 300. Menlo Park, CA 94025

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Industry Terms
fire safety inspection software
fire protection software
fire maintenance software
fire inspection app
fire inspection software
fire alarm inspection software
best fire inspection software

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