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Professional services policy

Understand the framework for how Uptick provides additional professional services on request.

Effective Date: 2021-07-01
1. Scope

This policy has been prepared to provide a clear understanding of how Uptick provides professional services such as customised onboarding programs, additional on-site training, data migration services, or custom development services.

2. Statement of Work

Where Uptick is willing to provide those Additional Services, the parties will negotiate in good faith to agree a Statement of Work for the Additional Services provided in the Form of Statement of Work. Uptick will be under no obligation to provide the relevant Additional Services unless a duly authorised representative of each party has signed that Statement of Work.

3. Form of Statement of Work
Uptick UK

6 Huguenot Place, 17 Heneage St, London E1 5LN

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Industry Terms
fire and security software
fire inspection app
fire safety management software
fire and security software
fire safety company software
fire safety software
fire extinguisher inspection app
fire safety inspection software
fire protection business software
fire sprinkler inspection software

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