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jobs done.

Maximise efficiency with workflows specifically designed for the fire industry.
Workflows automated
Paperwork gone
More jobs done
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Image of crew cut
Sometimes our engineers are getting through 1-2 extra jobs a day each.
Terry Skeggs
Argos Fire Protection

Service efficiency plays a pivotal role in every asset maintenance business.

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Step One
Assign tasks to your field staff
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Assign tasks by technician, location, or skill set, and take advantage of drag & drop calendars, automated routines, and geographic scheduling to optimise routes and maximise their productive hours.

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Step Two
Perform jobs in the field
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Uptick's mobile app allows field teams to solve problems quickly in the field. Staff can submit required forms, pass/fail assets, add remarks, take photos, and locate assets on floor plans. Offline access eliminates downtime in remote areas, with automatic data syncing when connectivity is restored.

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Step Three
Send quotes and service reports instantly
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Whether from the field or office, you can quickly generate insightful service reports, certificates and defect quotes and send them swiftly to your clients.

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Step Four
Get quotes approved online
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Simplify the quote approval process for customers by allowing them to approve the quote directly online. Once approved, you can generate the task ready to be dispatched in one click. 

Benefits across your entire business.

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Here is how Argos Fire did it.

Uptick has helped Argos Fire become an efficient machine. With features such as our easy-to-use app, stock management and xero integration, Argos Fire's engineers can get one or two more jobs done daily - which has had a huge impact on the company's bottom line.

Learn more

Fire industry leaders
choose Uptick.

Frequently asked

Operate with confidence.

Modern asset maintenance software purpose-built for the fire protection industry 🧯
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fire safety management software uk,  usa, au
Uptick UK

6 Huguenot Place, 17 Heneage St, London E1 5LN

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Industry Terms
fire and security software
fire inspection app
fire safety management software
fire and security software
fire safety company software
fire safety software
fire extinguisher inspection app
fire safety inspection software
fire protection business software
fire sprinkler inspection software

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