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Stand out and win customers with Uptick’s industry-leading customer portal.
Snapshot of fire safety compliance
All-in-one hub for critical data
Review and approve quotes online
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We can now give customers transparency and greater understanding.
Simon Molloy
Alliance Fire Group

Provide unparalleled transparency to your clients and build long-lasting trust.

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Step One
Visualise your work for customers
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Provide ultimate transparency to your customers by allowing them to see your work. Allow them to see in real-time how you are performing to ensure compliance across their portfolio.

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Step Two
Access reports and certificates
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With built-in fire protection reports and forms in line with 3rd party accreditation certifications, the correct documentation can be generated and provided to your customers as soon as the information has been gathered on-site.

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Step Three
Analyse defects
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Give your customers real-time transparency to their fire and security assets at any time.

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Step Four
Get quotes approved online
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Simplify the quote approval process for customers by allowing your customers to approve the quote directly online, regardless of whether they access the quote via email or the Customer Portal.

Benefits across your entire business.

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Here’s how Alliance Fire Group did it.

Alliance Fire now provides its clients with complete visibility of their assets and buildings' compliance, which proves to be a great competitive advantage.

This increased transparency and efficiency have translated into enhanced customer service, resulting in stronger client relationships and new business opportunities.

Learn more

Fire industry leaders
choose Uptick.

Frequently asked

Operate with confidence.

Modern asset maintenance software purpose-built for the fire protection industry 🧯
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Uptick UK

6 Huguenot Place, 17 Heneage St, London E1 5LN

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Industry Terms
fire and security software
fire inspection app
fire safety management software
fire and security software
fire safety company software
fire safety software
fire extinguisher inspection app
fire safety inspection software
fire protection business software
fire sprinkler inspection software

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