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The cost of outdated fire sprinkler system inspection software

From a backlog of admin to missing checklists, poor workflows and delayed test schedules that could put lives at risk, relying on outdated fire sprinkler system inspection software comes at a very high price.

From a backlog of admin to missing checklists, poor workflows and delayed test schedules that could put lives at risk, relying on outdated fire sprinkler system inspection software comes at a very high price. 

Upgrading to comprehensive solutions designed specifically for fire safety businesses offers the most effective way to manage every aspect of inspections, from asset maintenance to reporting. Whether you’ve been using tools that offer limited capabilities or you’re making the big move from paper to cloud, old software costs you far more than you may know.

Back in the days of paper-based inspections and reports, trying to keep track of mountains and mountains of forms was no small task. As the rise of software began to grow, many fire safety companies made the move to digital. 

While this move made things easier to manage sprinklers and other asset inspections, features were still limited. This meant that teams still battled to coordinate, technicians still had to try and submit inspection forms on complicated systems and office staff still had to try and manage endless admin. Most importantly, testing schedules had to be done on time, without delays caused by outdated software.

Sprinklers are a major asset in many buildings. Schools, healthcare facilities, restaurants, hotels, factories, retail centres, and even apartment blocks rely on working sprinklers. These assets require a strict inspection timeline to ensure that they are fully functional.  

Testing schedules vary according to each country’s specific compliance regulations, ranging from weekly to monthly, bi-annual and annual testing. During these inspections, every aspect of sprinkler systems is tested, from mechanical devices all the way to water supply. 

Skipping these testing schedules can result in sprinklers failing in the event of a fire. Even a missed visual weekly test could cause problems if mechanical devices are not working. A delayed annual test could put buildings and people at risk. 

How do we make sure that sprinklers don’t fail when they’re needed the most? 

Cloud-based sprinkler inspection report software is the most effective way to make sure that regular checks are done on a scheduled basis, simply and efficiently. 

The impact of missed inspections can be massive. With dated or limiting software, reports, checklists and forms can all too easily fall through the cracks. Scheduled inspections may not be done due to forms going missing. Admin overloads can cause job scheduling delays.    

This is where cloud-based software like Uptick comes in to save the day. 

Fire sprinkler system inspection software tools such as Uptick streamline testing, through built-in inspection forms that can be accessed remotely, defects that can be tracked in real-time, compliance certificates that can be generated on-site, logbooks that can be easily created, and reports that can be accessed by management easily. This means easier scheduling and a simpler workflow help to manage inspections more easily. 

With Uptick, you can be sure that your sprinkler systems are always ready to protect people and property in case of a fire. 

Ready to make the move to a simpler, streamlined solution? Connect with our team to find out more about our fire sprinkler system inspection software. 

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